Friday, January 15, 2010

Summer in Seinajoki

Hello, I have an strange idea and I would like to know if you would help me with it! I am going to start writing a book… “what is going to be strange about this book?” u might ask. Well I will explain. The book has a central idea that I am not going to stray from but what I go into detail about and what avenue of the story I embark on will be up to you and a group of others. I would like your input as to what you want to hear more of, for example if you would like me to stray more into a character I will take your comments into consideration and add them to the story. If you would like it to be more of a love story than a documentary I can also do that just let me know what you want. This story is based on real events of love, passion, sports, competition, adventure and even some tragedy, it will be up to you as to what part of the experience you would like to hear. This is how it is going to work, depending on the participation of the people who help, I am going to write a scene a day. I will post the book here on this blogspot and I would like you to leave your input as comments below. Please do not comment of my bad grammar or misspelled words because I am sure their will be plenty. Comment on the storyline and characters only. Hopefully I can create something with your help that will be an entertaining and slightly addicting to all those who read and play along. Thank you, Benjamin Cassidy Jones

*(I also understand there are many people who are going to leave ridiculous and stupid comments for shock factor humor please keep that at a minimum so I can get this story off the ground and see if my experiment will be successful.)

Thank you so much
Benjamin Jones #25

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